Preventing flu
23 Proven Ways to Stop a Cold(Reader's Digest)
[X]Wash your Hands often
[X]Get Smart abput Hand Drying in Public Toilets
[X]Get a Flu shot every year
[X]Carry a hand sanitizer with you
[X]Wash your hands twice everytime you wash them
[X]Change your toothbrush every 3 moths
[X] Put a box of tissues where people sit
[X]Stop blaming yourself when things go wrong
[X]Use your knucles to rub your eyes
[X]Sit in the sauna once a week
[?]Use a humidifier
[?]Speaking of which, buy a hygrometer
[X]Take a garlic supplement every day
[X]Once a day, sit in a quiet, dim room and meditate
[X]Eat yoghurt everyday
[?]Leave the windows in your house open a crack
[X]Sneeze and cough into your arm or tissue
[?]Change child-care centers
[?] Don't pressure your doctor for antidotes
[X]Scrub under your nails every night
[X]Change or wash your hand towels every 3 days during the cold/ flu season
[?]At the first hint of a cold, suck on a zinc gluconate lozenge until it melts every hour, cook a pot of chicken soup, take echinacea and roast garlic in the oven.
STAY CLEAR OF FLU! ( If you want, post this on your blog and tick, cross or question mark where necicarry:) )
[X]Wash your Hands often
[X]Get Smart abput Hand Drying in Public Toilets
[X]Get a Flu shot every year
[X]Carry a hand sanitizer with you
[X]Wash your hands twice everytime you wash them
[X]Change your toothbrush every 3 moths
[X] Put a box of tissues where people sit
[X]Stop blaming yourself when things go wrong
[X]Use your knucles to rub your eyes
[X]Sit in the sauna once a week
[?]Use a humidifier
[?]Speaking of which, buy a hygrometer
[X]Take a garlic supplement every day
[X]Once a day, sit in a quiet, dim room and meditate
[X]Eat yoghurt everyday
[?]Leave the windows in your house open a crack
[X]Sneeze and cough into your arm or tissue
[?]Change child-care centers
[?] Don't pressure your doctor for antidotes
[X]Scrub under your nails every night
[X]Change or wash your hand towels every 3 days during the cold/ flu season
[?]At the first hint of a cold, suck on a zinc gluconate lozenge until it melts every hour, cook a pot of chicken soup, take echinacea and roast garlic in the oven.
STAY CLEAR OF FLU! ( If you want, post this on your blog and tick, cross or question mark where necicarry:) )
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