tag marathon

this tag is called... 3 random thoughts. What you think... you type.
1)If sheesh isn't allowed to exist, why should shish?
2)Love triangles have 3 points, aka 3 people. that would make one of the 3 gay.
3)Some people are only alive coz i dont own a gun that could possibly shoot them.
11 qs.Name the following:
1) what's infront of you right now? I dunno... like, duh, the COMPUTER?
2)What was the last thing you drank? MYOB. but it was sweet. no idea what it was. but it was sweet.
3)How many internet windows are opened now? One or two, but plenty of tabs.
4)What do you feel like doing most now? I've gotta say - eat.
5) Why aren't you doing that? I just ate just now, I cant eat again, can I? sheesh.
6)Who was your last text from? I dunno, I guess I forgot.
7)Do you have a twitter? Yes I have a twitter. do you? you don't? then dont talk so much.
8) What song are you currently listening to? Demi Lovato - Solo.
9)Who's your fave artist? Currently? Taylor Swift.
10)What time is it now? 11:27PM
11)If it's late, why aren't you asleep? I dont take orders from tags, fyi.
You, yourself, and... you?
Name the following:
Your myopic degree: 2 degrees, by next year maybe more.
Your star sign: Gemini
Success or Failure?: What do you mean, success or failure??
Have a Crush?: Maybe;)
Crushed on?: You expect me to know?
Depressed?: Facebook quiz says I am.
Friends...?: Losta.;)
Fave radio DJs: Muttons to Midnight
Fave TV show: Ned's Declassified School survival guide.
Fave word: typical;)
BFF?: uhm, what's the answer supposed to be, this isn't even a proper question.
Good at blog templates?:Trying to learn hmtl(and failing. not really, but they lost me at pictures and tables) if you want proof that bad, go to my prevous blog. it's a page of embarresment.
Thinking of him/her?:Who is him/her?
Read the papers?: Only the comics.
Smart?:Pfft. I wish.
Siblings?:2. that makes 3 of us.
Sick of this tag?: Oh, yes.
Craziliciously yours,
There is a Muslim man and a Sikh man. The Sikh man needs a money loan and goes to the muslim man. The Muslim Man says:"I'll lend you some money if you say that all muslims are nice, wonderful people." The Sikh man agrees and promptly repeats, but adds, "Sikhs are big liars."


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