Sceince ICAS

Have you ever realised that U won't live forever?
Pfft. neither have I.
Anyways.... Tomorrow's the science ICAS. Urgh.
WHY OH WHY? My science stinks more than overnight blue cheese!!!! Last yr I got "participation". You know what that means?
I got so low, I don't even have a grade. lol.
And then they have English ICAS. To me that's better. ALOT better.
I guess.
Just feel as if things might get SO Hard to morrow. Honestly why do they even have tests?????
And tests like these? Science tests?
And why do we have to sign up for them? Oh wait that part is our choice.
Whoops. Tee hee.
I just hope I do okay. I hope. Oh well.
Sleepy. Gosh.


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