me is in a tagging mood:)

me is in a tagging, but VERY lazy mood.

make sense?

Yah, it's not supposed to.
Ignore the following(and sp errors, coz me dunno how to spell in malay)
de mana deya, bowu kuntut saya.
Inspiration: Ian's project on the song, Chan Mali Chan
Oh yeah, bay-bee:)
On to the tags. The second you read this, there ain't no runnin', or hiding, coz you are INSTANTLY TAGGED! (me too lazy to write down everyone's names. NOW you get what I mean.)
Pick from the following tags:
1) In EXACTLY 10 seconds, type down ALL the emoticons you know. DON'T CHEAT!!!
:) ^^ :@ :( >.< =.= >_<" *.*' 2)Put your iPod/Walkman/wateva on shuffle and name the first three songs that come: 1. Taylor Swift - The Best Day 2)Click5 - Jenny 3)Linkin Park -What I've Done 3)Type as much of the alphabet backwards in 10 seconds! Z Y X W V U T...?? and that was 10 seconds!! teeheehee:)

Darn, I mite feel in a tagging mode, but I don't have the best tags. awww.... ah yo, anyway lah, just choose choose choose!! BTW, happy Bday Elliot!!

teehee, recently did it in photobucket.

anyways, HAPPY BDAY! blow out your 9 candles without choking on saliva, plz.

teehee, jkjk.

Happy B-lated BDAY to eunice, whom i forgot to mention on the 26th of June(don't kill me!)

not that u would.

Blow out your 14 candles without choking on saliva either!!


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