pre-camp jitters

No, stupid, this isn't MY class photo, it belongs to a very, very close friend who's probably reading this now. Sorry for putting it up here, Joanna ,without ur approval.
I only wanted the Barney soft toy in the background. jkjk...
Anyways, the P5 camp is coming, & I'm starting to freak out for the following reasons:
+ Scared I pee in bed and kenna blackmail (not that I pee in bed anymore)
+ Scared the drool from my mouth flow to electrical wire and kenna ELECTRIC SHOCK!
+ Scared giant dinosaur come and eat me up(kinda like the barney toy in the picture, only a hundred times bigger and prefers eating humans to singing lame songs)
+ Scared big vampire bats come out from no where and eat me up
+ Scared Humoungous mosquito suck all my blood out and I have none left(like in Land of The Lost)
+ Scared Big bunnies hop down from the sky and make me kenna flatten by stepping on me.
+ Scared it start raining cats(literally) and then their claws go and scratch my face
+ Scared big, gigantic red ants crawl all over me while I sleeping(like in Indiana Jones, Crystal Skull)
+ Scared when I do flying fox, Giant flying monkeys(like in Wizard of Oz) bite off my harness and carry me away
Okay... so I'm over reacting. alot.
But the flying fox one, IS a fact.
But I'm STILL freaking out... and btw, I won't be able to do a proper account of the camp coz we aren't allowed to like, bring cameras.
Or handphones.
NOW WHO AM I GOING TO TELL THAT I'M BEING CARRIED OFF BY GIANT FLYING MONKEYS?? breathe in, breathe out, and chill-ax. Kristi, you should stop watching horror movies.
I will still come back though(or mayb not if giant monkeys DO carry me away) with a report.

I need MAJOR ADVICE from someone who's been to camp (can't ask my bro, he was such a that he didn't go) IAN, YOU DID NOT READ THAT!
anyways, I need reassurance that I won't be eaten by big barney dinos.
Darn, they want us to bring so little stuff with us, I can fit it into my school bag. except the camping bag, the slippers, and eveything else. jkjk.
And for showering, I don't know if I SHOULD, COZ I take 4eva to bathe! and, 4eva is good in some places, like, friends forever, rich forever, but not for hated forever, cozz-i-took-4eva-to-bathe.
And we come to soft toys.
Is it kiddish to bring it to camp?
I'm freaking out right now, in a MAJORLY bad way...
OH! and btw, my room is SOOO neat now! It's never been this neat before!
Now I don't have to hop between thick piles(not really piles, everything was spread out) to get to my bed.
But, I do miss that good exercise. Oh well. sigh.


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