The First of July

~The First~
It's the first of a certain month, and whatever year you're in, the first of a month is the start of a long 30(or less) days.
The rules of this tag are VERY easy - no matter what month you're in, write what previously happened last month, and write what you hope would happen in the comming month.
Kind of like a new year's resoulution. only better.
Write the "resoulution" in a code uniquely yours. Whoever gets tagged will not only have to write their own, they'll have to decode it!! take it easy on them... but don't make it too easy. MAKE THEM WORK ABIT! after which they'll have to send back the decoded message to you. You'll also have to decode their message if they get it right, along with the one of the person b4 u.
So start your "resoulution... NOW!!
Gosh, you stupid person that forced me to do this…: [joking, joking.]
Thankyou, I know this tag VERY easy to decode. This tag was just for fun. I’m not in a torturing mood YET. You watch out!!
Anyways, last month I…. Err… not much lah!! Holidays what! I went to watch Transformers??
This month should be perfect. Not paying attention and laughing the cheese out during social studies, go on gr8 outings, chill out with my friends, and bake brownies. No joking there. I’m breaking my glutton record. Yep, diets aren’t for me.
Thank you, Thankyou, now you’re tagged! Me tags are below!!:)

I tagg...
ah yo(Jai ho!) u read this, u go tag yourself lah.



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