For your information: In this post, I'm describing the camp as nicely as I can.
Here's the review I promised.
Let's skip the crap and get straight to it: Camp... sucked. big time.
I wasted $70++ just to find out how much worse it was compared to how the school made it seem.
They went all:''it's a fun and oh-so-awesome experience''.
let's see them bathe in same cubicle then they know.
*ahem* shall i elaborate?
It was OH-SO-HORRID! ask anyone who went: they would say it sucked big time, espeacially those who were deprived of going on the flying fox by certain people, *ahem, ahem.* let me tell you what happened, yo.
we went to school, and were split into two teams.
I was originally supposed to be in group 1, but a certain SOMEONE didn't come last minute and I was pushed to group2.
Did that mind me? No, no, coz because of that I MISSED THE FLYING FOX, AHEM, AHEM!
who wants to guess how my hair smelt like?
i didn't even pee the whole time i was at camp! (jkjk lar. but it was so dirty, i almost didn't)
I'm not 'xiao jie'. at least, i don't think so:)
i'm not as xiao jie as a certain *ahem**ahem* who yelled at me for spilling a small portion of soap on her.
Well, I guess everyone but me would have yelled;) I'm too...*don't scare the slightest bit about your nonsense kinda person*. some people care too much.;)
*ahem* movin on...;)
I hate the camp T. Hate it hate it hate it. the designs of some classes are SO NICE! but OURS? Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.
Have I mentioned I hate it?
*big shock* I HAVEN'T?
Well, here it is: Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.
There you go.
Ours was supposed to be lime green.
It turned out boring blue.
heellllloooo, are you people COLOR BLIND? you know, there's a BIG diff between boring blue(yes, that's an actual color. imo anyway) and lime green.
Get your eyes checked.
I'm not sick - I hated bathing in the same cubicle.
3 girls in one, can spend only 1 min.
Of course, no one looked lar...
sorry. as i was sayin...
they call that a shower, yo? IT WAS LIKE WATER DROPPING OFF A LEAF!
The tap from the sink had more water...
And i was the only one washing my hair there;)
The food...well, the food... well, me being a glutton, i could stand everything(even the uncooked veggies) except the FRIGGIN UNRIPE BANANNA! i tell you, mine was still green.
and hard. not soft bananna-ish.
We had backwoodsman cooking, in which we almost finished cooking something, but, duh, since everything was rushed, we ate UNCOOKED DOUGH! i poured so much sugar on mine(to distract it from the uncooked dough taste) i became hyper!
Which was kinda good coz later on we had campfire.
The only thing I'm not going to complain about, other than the fact we sat there for so frigging long, i got leg cramp.
So for all of you who didn't go to camp...
You should be feeling lucky.
Craziliciously yours,
Labels: another "wonderful" baking experience, loves and hates.mostly hates, we go campin'
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