holiday. bleh bleh blllleeeehhhh.


the holidays have started.

and man, it's so bleh-ishly booooring.

boooring with a capital N for Nothing to do.

I'm not going over seas till christmas.


those people happily sipping margheritas(sp?) in hawaii BETTER NOT LAUGH!



ah ah.

ah ah ah.

ah ah

ah ah ah

ah ah ah ah

ah ah ah

ah ah ah ah

ah ah ah ah ah



didn't those "ah"s sorta resemble a christmas tree?



i just realized my blog tags are getting weirder and weirder.

not this one.

this one is still prrettty sane.

pretty. not very.

anyways, on tuesday, my mom got all three of us bored, bored kids to help her wash the car.

actually, i have a weird feeling we just made it dirtier.

coz there was this big patch of dirt that wasn't there before and NEVER MIND!!

note to self - big sponge. FUN.

cloth - not so, but good for splashing water+ soap and big bro.

then we went swimming.

not really, at times I would just cling to my mom like a koala bear.

koala bears roooock. x)


i also spant the time coming up with new insults for my older bro, and racing with my younger bro, coz i'll ALWAYS win. LOL

then I raced with my older bro. i was gonna win till he pulled me backwards.

foul. play.

fowl. play.

yep. it'll be nice to call him a bird.

for the past dont know how many days I've been calling him a ferbie.

you know, those little, fluffy light up toys that have rabbit ears and an owl's head with big light up eyes that purr, "FERBIEE" whenever yopu press the stomache?

yep. those rock too.

you should go google: "Define: ferbie" and see what comes on. i'm not really sure, since I haven't tried it out yet.

you should also google up picturess.

and gimme links to them so I can see a ferbie ferbie, not a me-nickname-bro-to-get-him-agitated-but-it's-not-actually-WORKING ferbie.

yep yep.

and this holiday I've also been working hard hard HARD for the beethoven concert, which is later on tonight.

tickets sold out eh!!! IMPRESSIVE HOR!!

say yes, or my ego would be huuurt.

it's this beethoven cycle thingii, and I'll be singing "ode to joy"

you know, the one in "Get Smart" with anna hathaway with the bomb about to KABBOOOOOSH! (excuse my sound ffex) i think it's the same one.

I'm not sure.

and if promises survive I'll be bakling cookies later.

cookies that YOU will NEVERRR get to try.

unless, somehow, you DO, then.... NVM!! (x
this is getting dull.
I'm Getting dull.

Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™

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what those who missed the drama did

you know how the debate people missed the drama coz it clashed with the uhm, debate?
so we had an uber fun time doing other stuff.
it kickstarted with PIZZA!
miss ang treated us to teriyaki and hawaiian pizza.
Hawaiian was the first to go.
and then John had to go up and call the rest down, and the second he left, tze went all: "Hurry! eat before John conmes back and finishes it all!"
and then all of us (including miss ang) laughed.
we all hurried to take the hawaiian, coz teriyaki didnt really seem very appetizing at first.
then it seemed like so much.
so anyone who walked by, miss ang would offer them a slice.
only 1 out of 2 would take one.
(well, only 2 people waled byu anyway)
then John came back and we all started eating laughing bla bla-ing.
and then we were like all:
*miss ang returns from getting cups for our coke*
Miss Ang: What is it? *pauses* is it something disgusting?
Tze: It's a dance move
I: Yeah. it's a MJ dance move
Miss Ang: *raises eyebrows* Oh really?
*laughing* yes.
*John does the hump* (for those who dont know what it is, it's an UBER SICK MOVE where Michael jackson holds his "thing" and dances.)
*all of us laughing uber hard, almost spilling coke*
Miss Ang: I thought you said it wasn't disgusting! when you said it was an MJ move, i expected a moonwalk or something!!
*all of us still laughing uber hard*
That. was. fun.
then eventually, the pizza finished, and one bottle of coke had poofed, so tze and john split the other bottle equally. then we all went back to class.
but, oh no, it wasn't over yet.
Wednesday - we went to see the play.
in the bus, well, john, tze and I were making fun of this p4 boy and girl.
we were laughing at their "young romance", how they would talk flirtingly, LOL.
actually, everyone was.
then we reached.
i felt bus sick.
nearly puked once more.
then we went to settle down, BLA BLA BLA.
there were badges in a bowl.
i thought it was for everyone.
i was wrong.
Me: Excuse me, are those badges for everyone?
Lady: No. *points at sign on top which says, "$3 a badge"*
Me: Oh. okay.
*when inside, i was thinking, OMG! RIPPPPOFF!!!*
we took our seats, with the young couple looking more romantic then ever, when i realized something - EVERYONE around us were either parents, teachers or...
i'm indirectly saying that the Jungle Book was quite lame.
and at the end, they went all, "Okay, kids! dance with us! shake your tousche!" (i discovered "tousche" was baby for butt)
they would go all, "repeat after me!"
"shake your hands! *they shake their hands* shake your 'tousche'! *they shake their butt*"
and the room was filled with kiddish giggles.
and then somewhere in between I showed john and tze my bracelets i made.
they suggested i sell it to the young, romantic couple, so that they could"express their love".
i said, "No way!" laughing.
speaking of my creations, JOJO, i know you're reading this.
me and peh peh made you and UBER PRETTY bracelet. green in color.
peh peh wanted to give it to you. GIVE.
but I'm not peh peh.
cheque or cash is okay, made payable to: "KRISTI IS THE MOST AWESHOME XIAO CHARBOR IN THE WORLD!!"
Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™

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de debate and how it went



it happened last friday.


not like you were talking anyway.

for all i know, you were rocking back and forth in your computer chair, sucking your tongue staring at the screen.

if so, you better stop rocking that chair. you might fall backward. BLEH.

that bleh was UBER RANDOM.


so much has been happening.

so little time to blog about it.

yesh. that's HOW MUCH busy i am.

wow. that didnt sound right.

yesh. that's HOW UBER busy i am.

yepp. that works uber better.

yes. uber is a word.

if you go google up, "define:uber", well, just dont.

weird, bleh-ish stuff will come out.

and this time, this bleh AINT RANDOM.

wow. off-topic much.


so we went to RI for it.

dont. think. sick.

speaking of sick, i got uber bus sick. i would have puked but i knew better, sorta, anyway.

i hope this answers why we weren't around for the drama.

BLEH. i wish i'd missed it. i'd talk more about it later.

their hall is BIG BIG BIG!! or at least, i think it's their hall.

and it's actually not that big. it's the aircon that makes it aweshomee.

but the school is big, though.


and the toilets are clean.

the girls toilet anyway, which only the teachers would use, unless the pupils are doing a dare, or SERIOUSLY need a change of specs.

either that, or their feeling very... BLEH. better not mentioned.

so yeah. let's skip past all the walking here, walking there(took a long time) let's also skip talking, etc, BLEH. we shall skip until we sat down and that guy asked us for the third time or something to shut up.

even if you DONT want me to skip it, you dont have a choice. even if you spam my cbox and beg for me to NOT skip it, it's not going to work. and I can easily ban you from it anyway.
anyway, at first we were agaisnt Tao Nan, i think.
we lost. by 1/2 points.
breifing, BLA BLA BLA.
agaisnt St. Hilda's.
lost by 1.5 marks.
briefing, BLA BLA BLA.
and then it was lunch.
it was SUPPOSED to be lunch but apparently they think starving little kids is FUN. it took SO long for lunch to come, so we had a little potluck. not really, since I WAS the one supplying the mooost food, AHEM.
and then it was lunch. delicious lunch.
then we played catching, and i felt like puking coz i ran so much.
then miss tan called us back, we discussed what our impromptu topic MIGHT be, and went in for the breifing.
BLA. BLA. BLA. bleh.
agaisnt Moha Bodhi, or something. excuse my spelling.
we spent the 1 hour prep time UNwisely.
we were running around, and trying to copy what the other team in the next classroom was writing on the board, but we couldn't coz man darn! i cannot BELIEVE people have SUUUCH smalllll handwriting. BLEH.
and then John never stopped doing his UBER SICKSICKSICK MJ move.
then I sat at the teacher's desk, making me self-appointed teacher.
i appointed Tze Chun the ''monitor'' (mainly coz he wasn't doing the "Hump"(as john would call it) or trying to copy off the other team's whiteboard OR running around like a crazy monkey doing NOTHING.)
i tried to get him to stop John, but it only made things worse.
and then kenneth kept on blabbering on and on and on and on making it IMPOSSIBLE for me to concentrate. I got tze to get rid of him too, but once more...
in the last five minutes we had to cram everything up and in the end, our speeches only lasted approx 2.5 mins, instead of 4.
but it was fun.
but it was quite uber embarrasing during one of the first to speeches when i paused like, UBER LONG after someone gave me a POI.
then I went: eeerrrr.
and then the judge went shaking his head.
but i got best speaker for the last round, which also just happens to be the MOST IMPORTANT round, which WE FINALLY WON.
but we still didnt get to the semis, which I'm gonna go watch later on at 2.
i wont be shocked if Cat High wins.
they even won the Swing Team.
Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™

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debate .

debate's tomorrow.
am I prepared?
not at all.
For the prop speech...it's fine.ish. It's supposed to last 4 minutes.
2 minutes 30 secs is close enough. I'll just stall. somehow.
Opp sppech...
I've got : Chairperson, judges, ladies and gentlemen, today...
and i'm stuck.
my blog looks different. almost uglier. urgh.
I should change black to a more interesting color.
Like... uhm...
i've got an honest nothing.
If there was ever a day when all your best ideas were just drained out, wooshed out...
it would be now.
coz, honestly?
i've got nothing.
dejavu. why do I feel as if I've said it before?
coz I have.
during debate practice we googled up each other.
my facebook didnt come out, like everyone else.
But my blog did.
That's why I'm wondering why no one reads it.
Like, come ON.
If you people did, you guys would write in my cbox.
so why dont you?
wow. i've got nothing else to say. that's a first.
Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™


pix by moi

they say if you dont take care of your eyes...
you will kenna myopia!!
i dont wanna get myopia.
u dont want to either. but if you dont have pretty natural things to look at(only ugly ones) lemme help ya out.

nice , hor? (x

i took them. yesh, i know. my photography rocks.

my bro claimed he also took a cactus and kept on insisting that the one above was his, until we serached through all the pics and found his ugly cactus pic.

u noe the pix u find in ur science textbook? they dont care bout lighting. scenery.

they only take a quick pic, go, "OMG! I THINK I SEE ANOTHER [insert nerdy sciemtific plant name here]!! let's go!!"

that was my bro's pic.

i dont bother uploading things like that.

i really dont.

so, yesh, i know staring at plants from a computer screen might make things worse, but, please lahr, appreciate the effort.


Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™