
we dont really celebrate it here.
coz people get all psyched up about it thinking it's gonna bring ghosts around.
they might as well hire a demon-chaser thingii.
so. yesh.
i didnt celebrate much.
i dont see why people are so worried bout halloween.
we're not inviting ghosts over for a 5 course meal.
tea even. or plain water and a bye-bye.
we arent inviting them over at all.
it's just for FUN.
you know, fun?
like: Trick or Treating is FUN.
dressing up in the costumes and hangin out with friends is FUNner
stealing all the candy while your friend distracts the person who gives the candy is FUNnest!!

LOL. joking.
but if we really DID celebrate it here, watch out, folks.
but that didnt stop me.
oh, no it didnt.
i got some halloween candy, got dressed up in my costume and watched psych.
the 'tuesday the 17th' episode.
actually, it's the bollywood one, even though tuesday the 17th one is more halloween-ish it's overkill lar.
just like my lil bro and his nigahiga.
well, technically, not his, ryan higa has his own rights and stuff, and i hope no lawsuits happen and MOVING ON!!
Here's my oh-sho-aweshomee outfit:
oh-sho-aweshome, right? x)

Here's my lil bro's:

Both of us:

Well, of course, my big bro still had the best costume:(sorry, he didnt want his face taken. not just in this photo. in all photos. well, most lahr.)

so enthusiastic hor!!

dressed up in such a scary outfit!! *sarcarstic eyeroll*

it's like, so typical. these people ar, u bet they wont dress up, u earn fast bucks one.


candy corn. good old candy corn.

i think it's all melted now. (:

we put it in this green bowl. we took a pic of it then left it as deco.

Note to self: Candy Corn= food, not deco.

i guess we could add some milk, shake it a little, add some whipped cream, and get ourselves a HALLOWEEN MILKSHAKE!!

yeah! and serve it to peeps in pubs.

it strikes me: the only people celebrating halloween, as in really celebrating, are people in pubs.

wait. they celebrate for everything. even good friday.

so it's not really counted.


whew. i should stop.


i've got exams coming. darn.

you know, my school decided to torture us.

they're draggin it on like xiao.

ah yo yo yo, have to study.



i'm gonna revise, after 3 minutes slowly doze off, be waken up by someone to realize it's midnight, brush teeth, then sleep again.

Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™

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