beat boredom!!
yes, folks, it's that time of year.
no, not christmas, but hey, feel free to get me something. surprise me!
prefably with something shown in my fave series. psych. like the cool mug. or the 34 bucks bobble head.
as I said, surprise me.
this goes out to a very bored someone all the way in the very boring delaware eating nothing but very boring food and reading my boring emails.
wow. i didnt believe boring could be used so many times in a sentence with meaning.
well, this sentence has more borings. and it has a sort of meaning too.
Hey my name is boring boring tom and i'm boring boring boring boring here for your boring boring interview you boring boring posted on the boring boring boring boring newpaper that boring boring caught my eye!!
boring , eh? x) i'm sure that guy didnt get the job.
wow. i just realized that boring is the kind of word that, if used to many times, seems to have no boring meaning, you boring boring get what I boring mean?
okay. i should stop.
well, here's a great list i pulled together on not-so-boring things you can waste your life away with! courtesy of kristi, member of the "i'm only in this club coz i have nothing better to waste my life away with" club. i think you remember. that's what the members do. you can make yourself an instant member too, by giving me lists of stuff to do x)
oh yeaa.
here's the list:
1)watch psych.
2)get kristi the psych bobblehead.
3)get kristi the "the psych-ic is in" mug and t-shirt.
4)get kristi an iPod touch.
5)get kristi the official "psych" iPod touch skin.
6) pay for it with your maxed-out credit card.
7)run away from the police.
8)pretend to be a psychic.
9)try and fool the police into believing you're a real psychic.
10)get jailed for trickery.
LOL. skip 6 onward. but 1 to 5 is pretty damn good, eh? x)
kidding. i think.
if you can tell...
i'm a big fan of psych.
if you cant tell...
whoa. you really ARE that dumb.
you watch it. you wait. you see.
trust me. you'll be hooked on it too!!
there are also games. i recommend you go to the interactive office and click the laptop. there's this 16 uses for yarn and they are HILARIOUS.
for the bored, of course.
and the people who love funny.
Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™
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