holiday. bleh bleh blllleeeehhhh.


the holidays have started.

and man, it's so bleh-ishly booooring.

boooring with a capital N for Nothing to do.

I'm not going over seas till christmas.


those people happily sipping margheritas(sp?) in hawaii BETTER NOT LAUGH!



ah ah.

ah ah ah.

ah ah

ah ah ah

ah ah ah ah

ah ah ah

ah ah ah ah

ah ah ah ah ah



didn't those "ah"s sorta resemble a christmas tree?



i just realized my blog tags are getting weirder and weirder.

not this one.

this one is still prrettty sane.

pretty. not very.

anyways, on tuesday, my mom got all three of us bored, bored kids to help her wash the car.

actually, i have a weird feeling we just made it dirtier.

coz there was this big patch of dirt that wasn't there before and NEVER MIND!!

note to self - big sponge. FUN.

cloth - not so, but good for splashing water+ soap and big bro.

then we went swimming.

not really, at times I would just cling to my mom like a koala bear.

koala bears roooock. x)


i also spant the time coming up with new insults for my older bro, and racing with my younger bro, coz i'll ALWAYS win. LOL

then I raced with my older bro. i was gonna win till he pulled me backwards.

foul. play.

fowl. play.

yep. it'll be nice to call him a bird.

for the past dont know how many days I've been calling him a ferbie.

you know, those little, fluffy light up toys that have rabbit ears and an owl's head with big light up eyes that purr, "FERBIEE" whenever yopu press the stomache?

yep. those rock too.

you should go google: "Define: ferbie" and see what comes on. i'm not really sure, since I haven't tried it out yet.

you should also google up picturess.

and gimme links to them so I can see a ferbie ferbie, not a me-nickname-bro-to-get-him-agitated-but-it's-not-actually-WORKING ferbie.

yep yep.

and this holiday I've also been working hard hard HARD for the beethoven concert, which is later on tonight.

tickets sold out eh!!! IMPRESSIVE HOR!!

say yes, or my ego would be huuurt.

it's this beethoven cycle thingii, and I'll be singing "ode to joy"

you know, the one in "Get Smart" with anna hathaway with the bomb about to KABBOOOOOSH! (excuse my sound ffex) i think it's the same one.

I'm not sure.

and if promises survive I'll be bakling cookies later.

cookies that YOU will NEVERRR get to try.

unless, somehow, you DO, then.... NVM!! (x
this is getting dull.
I'm Getting dull.

Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™

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