AH! Can you beleive it?
No I cannot believe it, can you?No! Me neither! That's just so kewl!
Yeah! Totally! Can you believe it?NO! can you?
No! can you? NO! can you?
No! can you?NO! can you?
No! can you?NO! can you?
No! can you?Urgh. Okay for all those people who probably don't get why I'm sooooo worked up, lemme tell 'ya.
Let's just say I'M TURNING 11!!!!!!!
For those people that are going," OMG, it's your b'day? So fast meh? R U sure? When is it?"
I have 3 things to say to those kind of people:
1)GET A LIFE! Start by remembering everyone's b'day!
2) STM lah... shocked you can still remember my blog URL!
3) Fine my B'day's on
24th May, for those poor people I just yelled at who don't even know when my b'day was in the first place.
Sheesh. I think I better stop talking to myself and get a life. Pffft.
Currently listening to Megan Joy's "For once in my life"
For once I have something I know won't desert me.... For once I can say this is mine you can't take it......Now it's switched to Adam Lambert's "Cryin' "
I was crying when I met you, Now I'm dying to forget you.....Now Allison's and Adam's duet, "Slow Ride".
Man, I dunno abput you, but they ROCK!!!!
Today @ skul, it came with results. Urgh! How frustrating! As I said on my facebook, I'm not looking forward to getting my results!!!!
Sceince not yet, English don't feel like talking 'bout it(As usual, yours flunked it), Higher Chinese(YES!!!! THIS TIME I
PASSED!!!! I DIDN'T FAIL LIKE LAST TIME! but then again I only passed by 2.5 marks. But then again it's better then nothing, rite????)
Now it's Alexis Grace's "Dirty Diana"
Next - My two BFFS - Mochi(Nerissa) and Onigiri(Sheryl) are coming over on Sat to celebrate my b'day. It's only the few of us lah, it's not exactly a big thing
Apparently they do not know my new blog url YET!!!!! urgh, it's just sooo hard to comunicate with them over the net! I'll have to pass it to them during skul. what. the. blue cheese.
Now it's Jasmine Murray's " Reflection". It's pretty good, but yet a little flat.
But not like I can do a better job anyways, so?
First Notification - My b'day's on SUN. That gives you.... uhm..... lemme see.... gosh. Let's just say it gives you a
couple of days I don't bother to count to send me an ecard, or email, or SOMETHING! or nothing's fine too.
Now Adam's "Mad World." Don't you just LOVE life after the exams where you can do anything u want the whole day with no worries of homework???:) Oh
shoot.Theory HW!!!!!
I'll give myself one more minute:P
Chery Teo's bday is coming... Carlen's not long ago over.... Why so many ppl bday this time of year huh? Is
it that auspicious? Gotta go 2 IMM to get 'em something.
GTG do my theory hw...
Pizza OR Sushi OR Kristi
Call me which eva u want