Michael Jackson Tribute

Now, if you haven't heard about Michael Jackson's death, well, WHICH ROCK HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING OTHER?
my rock. teeheehee:)
Yes, he "passed on" on.... darn, i also dunno when.
I noe, it's an old ppl thing, we don't really know much about MJ. WAIT, YOU DO? darn, how old ARE you?? teeheehee
then me parents showed me his music video.
oooh, it must have been a big thing back then.
and admittedly, he can dance freakishly well.
AND he did create the moonwalk.
SO let's just pay tribute to the guy, who, if didn't exist, many people like Madonna and Justin Timberlake, Katy perry won't be around right now(no joking. teehee:))
But me still doesn't understand why he had to go for plastic surgery.
Now he had to die looking like a freak very unnatural person.
anyways, let's just pay tribute to the unnatural person, shall we?teehee >.< href="http://www.arabianbusiness.com/images/magazines/arabianbusiness.com/web/michaeljackson_thumb.jpg">
Now you can freaking stop laughing (yes, you over there) and realise why I hv no idea why he underwent plastic surgery.
So, yes, me have no time to post on blog, so listen to Michael Jackson on youtube, when we didn't appreaciate him while he still could breathe. teeheehee:)
DAd says smooth criminal's the one to search for if you want to see him dancing well.

Now, on to yours truly. (don't you just LOVE my ego??)
1st day of school stunk.
oh, no, not coz lotsa homework, oh, no.
Yes, yes, keep on guessing...
no! i didn't pee, for the last time!
nor puked, thanks for asking.
But you didn't, did u?
anyways, let's skip all this: IT WAS COZ IT WAS BOOOORRRRIIIINNNNGGGG!
yes, practically bored myself to death during chinese.
I read the same lines on the same boring storybook over and over again while c1 had their clas.
ya lah, ya lah, now you know, my chinese not so good, me in c3:)
eng was okok, had fun drawing and writing and playing like xiao with partner:)
no maths, coz timetable was SUPPOSED TO BE SUSPENDED!!!!*hint, hint, to miss moh and c1 chinese teacher*
GTG eat dinner now.
but b4 i go..
that's all. byebye.


me is in a tagging mood:)

me is in a tagging, but VERY lazy mood.

make sense?

Yah, it's not supposed to.
Ignore the following(and sp errors, coz me dunno how to spell in malay)
de mana deya, bowu kuntut saya.
Inspiration: Ian's project on the song, Chan Mali Chan
Oh yeah, bay-bee:)
On to the tags. The second you read this, there ain't no runnin', or hiding, coz you are INSTANTLY TAGGED! (me too lazy to write down everyone's names. NOW you get what I mean.)
Pick from the following tags:
1) In EXACTLY 10 seconds, type down ALL the emoticons you know. DON'T CHEAT!!!
:) ^^ :@ :( >.< =.= >_<" *.*' 2)Put your iPod/Walkman/wateva on shuffle and name the first three songs that come: 1. Taylor Swift - The Best Day 2)Click5 - Jenny 3)Linkin Park -What I've Done 3)Type as much of the alphabet backwards in 10 seconds! Z Y X W V U T...?? and that was 10 seconds!! teeheehee:)

Darn, I mite feel in a tagging mode, but I don't have the best tags. awww.... ah yo, anyway lah, just choose choose choose!! BTW, happy Bday Elliot!!

teehee, recently did it in photobucket.

anyways, HAPPY BDAY! blow out your 9 candles without choking on saliva, plz.

teehee, jkjk.

Happy B-lated BDAY to eunice, whom i forgot to mention on the 26th of June(don't kill me!)

not that u would.

Blow out your 14 candles without choking on saliva either!!



me went to watch Transformers 2, Revenge of the fallen.
Me guesses you already know, since I rubbed it in your face on MSN, and facebook.
And now here.
So lemme say this one last time - IN YOUR FACE!! Am I done?
No, I am not.
don't wry, that wasn't spam. wait. It was
and, yes, NOW I am done.
*ahem*, you there, don't go anywhere.
Don't click the little red X on the corner or i'll sue you. Somehow.
My review: it's awesomeness.
awesomeness IS awesome.
I like that Military Official guy when he went: "don't tell my mom"
I also like Megan Fox and Shie Labouf. duh, hu doesn't?
BTW, his haircut is weeeiiiirrrddd.
and that.... dude. whatever his name is. teeheehee:) (and yes, jolene, you ain't gonna stop me from "teeheehee"-ing.
me isn't joking.
teeheehee teeheehee teeheehee teeheehee teeheehee teeheehee teeheehee .
Okay. Yes, I'm done.
But one thing that isn't oh-so-awesome is the fact that the hols are STINKING ENDING! Holidays should never end.
No one likes school, anyway.
Yep, not even the teachers, or the cafeteria lady who put plastic in my lunch. YES YOU! Don't go running by closing the little red X! I'VE BLACK-MARKED U FOR LIFE! well, that is until I go to ur funeral. teehee:) jkjk.
Me is still pissed off but still knows me has to pack bag anyways.
So read my note, please:
Dear Holidays,
I wish you could last longer. I'll miss you, and I don't know when we can meet again.
I'm so sorry, but I... I.... I HAVE TO GO! Even though I'll miss you dearly.
So.. so long, farewell, I'll miss you, but please visit as often as possible, by asking your buisness parter H1N1 to sell his pork to more people.
Then, we can meet again.
And when the time comes, I'll NEVER let you go.

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littlemiss_sushi says: Camp is freakin' cancelled!!

littlemiss_sushi says:
u noe how i went all precamp jitters? those jitters don't freaking exist anymore.And who wants to know why, huh?
I bet all of you have recieved the SMS. yah. that.stupid.one.
The one that went all :
formality here, formality there... Due to H1N1, all activities in the last week of school are cancelled.
And duh, that includes camp.
THAT's what bums me out the most.
no camp, but have school.
me mom says they most probably would cancel, coz there's honestly no point in not hving activities last week of school but freaking starting the even more "infectious" thing one freaking week later.
Hey, people. Come on. Back me up here.
AND WE DON'T GET REFUNDS FOR OUR $70++(camp money)! back me up here! let's REBEL! (I've already bought my pitchfork. They're having discounts right now)

honestly, don't take that too harshly... OH NO! Now you're coming after me with those freaking pitchforks I told you to buy...


pre-camp jitters

No, stupid, this isn't MY class photo, it belongs to a very, very close friend who's probably reading this now. Sorry for putting it up here, Joanna ,without ur approval.
I only wanted the Barney soft toy in the background. jkjk...
Anyways, the P5 camp is coming, & I'm starting to freak out for the following reasons:
+ Scared I pee in bed and kenna blackmail (not that I pee in bed anymore)
+ Scared the drool from my mouth flow to electrical wire and kenna ELECTRIC SHOCK!
+ Scared giant dinosaur come and eat me up(kinda like the barney toy in the picture, only a hundred times bigger and prefers eating humans to singing lame songs)
+ Scared big vampire bats come out from no where and eat me up
+ Scared Humoungous mosquito suck all my blood out and I have none left(like in Land of The Lost)
+ Scared Big bunnies hop down from the sky and make me kenna flatten by stepping on me.
+ Scared it start raining cats(literally) and then their claws go and scratch my face
+ Scared big, gigantic red ants crawl all over me while I sleeping(like in Indiana Jones, Crystal Skull)
+ Scared when I do flying fox, Giant flying monkeys(like in Wizard of Oz) bite off my harness and carry me away
Okay... so I'm over reacting. alot.
But the flying fox one, IS a fact.
But I'm STILL freaking out... and btw, I won't be able to do a proper account of the camp coz we aren't allowed to like, bring cameras.
Or handphones.
NOW WHO AM I GOING TO TELL THAT I'M BEING CARRIED OFF BY GIANT FLYING MONKEYS?? breathe in, breathe out, and chill-ax. Kristi, you should stop watching horror movies.
I will still come back though(or mayb not if giant monkeys DO carry me away) with a report.

I need MAJOR ADVICE from someone who's been to camp (can't ask my bro, he was such a that he didn't go) IAN, YOU DID NOT READ THAT!
anyways, I need reassurance that I won't be eaten by big barney dinos.
Darn, they want us to bring so little stuff with us, I can fit it into my school bag. except the camping bag, the slippers, and eveything else. jkjk.
And for showering, I don't know if I SHOULD, COZ I take 4eva to bathe! and, 4eva is good in some places, like, friends forever, rich forever, but not for hated forever, cozz-i-took-4eva-to-bathe.
And we come to soft toys.
Is it kiddish to bring it to camp?
I'm freaking out right now, in a MAJORLY bad way...
OH! and btw, my room is SOOO neat now! It's never been this neat before!
Now I don't have to hop between thick piles(not really piles, everything was spread out) to get to my bed.
But, I do miss that good exercise. Oh well. sigh.



If you get this, you're probably from Charity5. duh.
Pass this link on to other Charity5 people, how' that?
It's the link to Charity5's UNOFFICIAL BLOG!
Post this on your OWN blog, facebook, lead.com, the sort. The more Charity5 people know, the better!

Now, can I know who in the world sent me this link?



To Carlen, who's probably not reading this.
Remember the impossible quiz? (for those hu don't, click the following link. It's pretty darn crazy. AND AWESOME!!)

If there's an error.
I was never here.

Anyways, I've got ALL the answers!!!!! AHHH!!! You won't find the same info ANYWHERE else on the web coz I painstakingly worked it out myself!! AHHH!!!!!
told you I was speacial.

Here it is. It's not complete, coz I gave up at question 76.
but, hey, try going that far YOURSELF!
If you like a challenge, I welcome you to.

Here it is:
1) Four
2) No, but a tin can
3) K.O.
4) Click the phrase “the answer”, which is, duh, in the question itself.
5) Click and DRAG…
6) Shallots
7) An Elephant
8) Somewhere below the ‘E’ in the word, “SEARCH”. Duh, look for it yourself
9) Top right hand option.
10) Dentures. Eww.
11) N
12) The dot on the ‘i’ in “click”
13) F’taang.
14) Torch.
15) Spell out h-o-r-s-e.
16) H.
17) The question number
18) Hammer
19) Blue, Orange, Green, Green, Yellow
20) Seal
21) Top left hand.
22) +1 Skip
23) Bran
24) Click the ‘V’ in ‘lives’
25) Shoe polish
26) Arsefacey
27) Go to 28
28) Abundance
29) Egg Mayonnaise
30) Click and drag, dude.
31) Woof. Woof. Woof.
32) Babycham and Human Faces
33) 7
34) Put your mouse away, dimwit!
35) Wait until happy green face comes out. It’s a long wait, but it’s worth it.
36) A walk.
37) Of course not!
38) Mary Rose.
39) Cylindrical Adventures
40) Click and Drag.
41) Afro. It’s on the ducks head.
42) The 42nd 42. Count, dimwit!
43) Tom Cruise. Who’s Bridget by the way?
44) Remove the piece with 44, and click on the circle behind it. No need to fix up the jigsaw. But if you wanna, go ahead,
45) Top right.
46) OMGF U KILLS SONIKKU U BASTARD. Trust me, it’s not me saying this. This really is the answer.
47) Search for the red button.
49) Bottom right
50) O.K.
51) Keep on clicking!
52) Third one.
53) …But pa might not
54) No, about 20cm off the ground.
55) A games console for wholemeal biscuits,
56) Blue, Red, Blue Yellow.
57) For this one, I skipped.
58) Shepherd’s Pie
59) Keep on clicking that little black thingii.
60) Yes!
61) Top left option.
62) That lump of brown/green dust-looking thing.
63) Tasteless White Filth
64) Egg>28
65) Click the word “Largest”. Don’t play dumb. There’s only three words there.
66) Don’t panic. Click the last exclamation mark.
67) A Big Hairy Arsonist
68) Keep on randomly moving the mouse, but moving inside the cat helps
69) LOL, 69
70) Using it’s Anus
71) Click the green thing when it reaches top left
72) Click somewhere below the question number, around the bottom. Keep on moving until it catches on something
73) Top right option
74) No one knows that
75) WTBC!!!!!! Quickly hit the escape button! It’s that little green sucker, somewhere on the left.
Pretty darn ridiculous, yes? but don't look at this until you've tried it yourself at least once.

Oops. I think that came in too late.

P.S. I'M MAKING PROGRESS, BAY-BEE! I've finished 2 books! I'm getting better...:)


Hey y'all.
Nizz and I (best cousins 4eva!!) have created an oh-so-awesome-but-very-blank-cozz-it's-new blog on blogger.
our previous one was on webs.
quite.... horrible. So not going to give u the link.
Our NEW one, however... i shall give u the link: http://www.krizandnizz.blogspot.com
Come on, you know u wanna, so go check it out!!


TTLT Library trip:)

blah blah...
the previous day...
lemme cut away the nonsense.
Yesterday, we went to the NLB. were supposed to, anyway. I would have taken pictures, but was too absorbed into "learning" about the library stuff. lol.
what. a. NERD. yep, I'm true to myself. sorta.
Yeah, we learned about the "classification" of books, "genres", blablabla.
The person (miss....miss.... darn, I think I'm the only one in class hu forgot her name.) Miss.... miss...???I GIVE UP!!!!
anyway, she did a gr8 job teaching us. in my opinion, anyway.
Oh, darn, I almost forgot to mention where we went!!!
West Mall, has a library, u noe! I know, no noe really noticed. It's two levels below the arcade that everyone cares too much about. Everyone including me. lol.
Yah, we were "taught" there. Big smiley face. I don't noe why, but I felt the urge to do so. =)
And speaking of nerdiness, I took notes.
WHO TAKES NOTES??? And it came to handy. well, not every single bit of crap very useful but not put to good use stuff.
'ya noe.
I'm skipping chapters. b4 I managed to put anything to good use...
We had an awesome thing.
Instead of subway, or sakae sushi(ok, I admit, that's asking for too much), we were taken to KOPITIAM!!!! not like I have anything agaisnt them... but... there were SO MANY BETTER PLACES WE COULD HAVE GONE!!
It was crowded, but we still managed to squeeze our way through and find a great squishy place.
I had Japanese food(see? I'm true to myself. )
compose your self, kristi.
it was only $1,000 for a small bowl of miso soup.
okay, so I'm exagerating. as usual
it was $6.50 or something... and admittedly, it was quite nice. except for the rice.
It tasted like rubber.
trust me, I've tasted Japanese food before.
It's not supposed to taste like rubber
but the eelunagi made every thing taste better.
yep. Unagi sounds more appetizing.
then we came back for the...
darn. I missed out something AGAIN!
we took this reading quiz.
I was "brave heart." ???
meaning, (*thanks. your sarcasm was SO necesary.*) I "liked reading books about"..."what happenes to"..."chracters"...
skip it. I have a book recommendation. all the girls(3 of us) and 1 or 2 boys(did I mention there were 16 of us? that made it 3 girls and the rest, wild, vicious, school reputation ruining boys.) Did I mention b4 lunch, they were running up and down escalators, and ruining the skul's reputation??
Anyway, this food-loving glutton(no offense, but he can eat more than I can. wtbc???)
ate a FULL Japanese bento set, and he practically inhaled it! u think that would be enough, rite? I only had about half of wat he had, and I was already like, okay, I'm done. But no, no, he had to live up this his glutton-ness.
He ate more than two sumo wrestlers could eat.
not literally, but, he followed that with SOMETHING INCREDIBLY BIG FROM CHICKEN SHOP!! I dunno what, he inhaled it too quick.
and this other guy took 6 roti pratas, and as if that wasn't enough, he dipped them in MILO! yes, the boys in my school are just plain vile and disgusting.
*vomit here* *vomit here* *vomit here*
Then we went for the scavanger hunt.
to make a loooonnng story short...
we won.
a cetain someone was a big sore loser. he went this, that, and alot of crap I couldn't stand. I almost took his head off. Almost. I still have an ounce of self control.
We got a cue stamp thingii. aww. that was also bcozz some of the notes helped us cheat a little. SCORE!
I went home happy.....
But don't worry, I've already finished one in 2 days. that was the thinnest. but it's still getting somewhere!
and also, my notes say that I can renew it, so long as... lemme check.
uh...uh...UH!!!! I FREAKING lost them!!!
oh well, will have to finish them without renewing the good old fashioned way.
*says weakly* yay.



How many ppl reading this have moms hu have BLOGS? I don't know if I should say this in misery, your face, or just downright proud(nesS): ME Mom just started a blog! here's the URL: http://www.jeanfyy.wordpress.com If it takes u somewhere else, don't look at me. Please.

Fact:It's the holidays.
Not a Fact: I'm having the time of my life.

It's those few days of the hols when it's just started. Ur still used to skul life, and u often feel bored w/ nothing 2 do. lol.
If u don't have that, then, darn, you're fast! It's also cozz of holiday homework, supp class and (to poor Isabel, hu has to go to skul EVERYDAY still, and hu has a crazy chinese teacher hu gives her mo xie EVERY day. Poorthing.)

& to justify my fact further, AHH L8TER ON I HAVE TUITION! come on, you've got to be kidding me. Skul in the holidays? like I said on facebook, thou art protest. Big time.
Oh, darn. nothing else to do now. Mom, gonna check out ur blog.