blah blah...the previous day...
lemme cut away the nonsense.
Yesterday, we went to the NLB. were supposed to, anyway. I would have taken pictures, but was too absorbed into "learning" about the library stuff. lol.
what. a. NERD. yep, I'm true to myself.
sorta.Yeah, we learned about the "classification" of books, "genres",
blablabla.The person (miss....miss.... darn, I think I'm the only one in class hu forgot her name.) Miss.... miss...???I GIVE UP!!!!
anyway, she did a gr8 job teaching us. in my opinion, anyway.
Oh, darn, I almost forgot to mention where we went!!!
West Mall, has a library, u noe! I know, no noe really noticed. It's two levels below the arcade that everyone cares too much about. Everyone including me. lol.
Yah, we were "taught" there. Big smiley face. I don't noe why, but I felt the urge to do so. =)
And speaking of nerdiness, I took notes.
WHO TAKES NOTES??? And it came to handy. well, not every single bit of
crap very useful but not put to good use stuff.
'ya noe.
I'm skipping chapters. b4 I managed to put anything to good use...
We had an awesome thing.
Instead of subway, or sakae sushi(ok, I admit, that's asking for too much), we were taken to KOPITIAM!!!! not like I have anything agaisnt them... but... there were SO MANY BETTER PLACES WE COULD HAVE GONE!!
It was crowded, but we still managed to squeeze our way through and find a
great squishy place.
I had Japanese food(see? I'm true to myself. )
compose your self, kristi.
it was only $1,000 for a small bowl of miso soup.
okay, so I'm exagerating.
as usualit was $6.50 or something... and admittedly, it was quite nice. except for the rice.
It tasted like rubber.
trust me, I've tasted Japanese food before.
It's not supposed to taste like rubberbut the
eelunagi made every thing taste better.
yep. Unagi sounds more appetizing.
then we came back for the...
darn. I missed out something AGAIN!
we took this reading quiz.
I was "brave heart." ???
meaning, (*thanks. your sarcasm was SO necesary.*) I "liked reading books about"..."what happenes to"..."chracters"...
skip it. I have a book recommendation. all the girls(3 of us) and 1 or 2 boys(did I mention there were 16 of us? that made it 3 girls and the rest, wild, vicious, school reputation ruining boys.) Did I mention b4 lunch, they were running up and down escalators, and ruining the skul's reputation??
Anyway, this food-loving glutton(no offense, but he can eat more than I can. wtbc???)
ate a FULL Japanese bento set, and he practically inhaled it! u think that would be enough, rite? I only had about half of wat he had, and I was already like, okay, I'm done. But no, no, he had to live up this his glutton-ness.
He ate more than two sumo wrestlers could eat.
not literally, but, he followed that with SOMETHING INCREDIBLY BIG FROM CHICKEN SHOP!! I dunno what, he inhaled it too quick.
and this other guy took 6 roti pratas, and as if that wasn't enough, he dipped them in MILO! yes, the boys in my school are just plain vile and disgusting.
*vomit here* *vomit here* *vomit here*
Then we went for the scavanger hunt.
to make a loooonnng story short...
we won.
a cetain someone was a big sore loser. he went this, that, and alot of crap I couldn't stand. I almost took his head off. Almost. I still have an ounce of self control.
We got a cue stamp thingii. aww. that was also bcozz some of the notes helped us cheat a little. SCORE!
I went home happy.....
But don't worry, I've already finished one in 2 days. that was the thinnest. but it's still getting somewhere!
and also, my notes say that I can renew it, so long as... lemme check.
uh...uh...UH!!!! I
FREAKING lost them!!!
oh well, will have to finish them without renewing the good old fashioned way.
*says weakly* yay.