a certain someone hasn't been coming.
I had to copy down his homework. (c3)
i promised u guys photos.
I extorted them from N.
and now we have them!! ;)
so now i can blog;)
u mite be thinking: that's all you took?
actually, no.
I drive photos out of people a couple at a time.
bare with it;)
so now, bit by bit.(man, i can't remember the last time i blogged with photos!!)

random sang nila utama. looks better moving;)
we put on tatoos. but we had to force them on sheryl peh.

sheryl peh and her random red dog balloon.(ian here says i like using the word random;))

nerissa and her balloons(not hers. pink is MINEMINEMINE! but it kenna crushed together with my biscuits, as i hv already mentioned;) ) there's a pic of me somewhere below doing the same thing. tell me which one looks better so i can rub it in her face ;)

ignore this pic. we look like such...

okay, don't ignore this one. i like this one.

ah, here i am. so... who looks better? teehee;)

that's the pics. now i shall narrate.
we went on this bus that was surely not provided by the school coz our school's way to cheapskate.
wait. i tot i already narrated somewhere below in one of the other blog posts.
ooh, check it out! photobucket wrks!
ooh! and Ian's finished bathing!
uhm, random?
excusiemua, i shall now stop blogging and start... other stuff.
Craziliciously yours,


stayed @ home 2day, y'all.
ain't fun d;
it was booorrriiinnnngg.
still had to do 2day's hw in the end.
btw, i heard we had to start bloggin' in skul..
missed it.
not meanin' to be mean.
more nxt time.
still sick.
jkjk, touch wood.
just joking!
don't go around proclaming!
yep, i'm talking bout you.
yes, u, don't go runnin' and tellin'.
more nxt time, gonna have to sleep early if i wanna get well.
not jk this time.;)
Craziliciously yours,

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ndp short recap WITHOUT the pix;) yet.

the marina bay parade was awesomeness~with a capital 'a'. teehee;)
i have such an urge to change my template!!! wat do u think??;)
no pix to upload OR photobucket(do i hear an 'aww'?) coz batt ran out.
teehee;) look hu's talking.
got the almighty pink goodie bag, changed with friends for the purple cover.
parade itself pretty much rocked, but waiting before and after sucked bigtime.
i think there's no need to tell you why
and a certain psychopath told us to bring 2 big bottles of water, and ration.
turns out, everyone ended up complaining bout heavy bags due to unfinished water.
don't wry, sheryl, the hint above ain't for you.
it's for the psychopath.
i like this year's theme song;)
it's less...
even though it's local talent. no offence.
electrico's what do u see.
(well, i ain't seeing nothing but the tatoo of singpore's flag on my shoulder and 'come together '09' on my face rubbing off.)
i know, title's pretty corny.
then me and N went all...

you see the moon and the stars,

and then you eat char kway tiao,
and dip your roti prata in your milo(inspired by the guy-who-can-eat-so-much, as said in the blog post about my library trip. go search it up;))
and then you ask for desert
and we say 'oh, we have durian ice kachang'
and then you slurp it down
and kenna food poisoning
then you throw up,
and say sorry.
(then we switched to apologise chorus)
but it's too late, to apologise,
it's too late
you already vomited on the floor
you drive customers away
yes, thq, we know it's corny, but what else can you do? it took at least 40 minutes from the bay to our bus, even tho i could've sworn it only took 15 minutes there.
wat can i say? the crowd was bigg;)
but the corniest of it all was when they invited 'lee kwuan yew'(excuse my spelling) over.
even tho we can't rly spell his name(ok,maybe u can but i can't) WE CAN TELL!
they got some random stand in 30++ guy over.
i noe...
N has all the pix(what? i had to use someone's cam in the end!! DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK!)
it turns out, THAT'S what we have to blog bout.
i bet we can't use smileys, or shortforms, OR HUMOUR! it'll be like a compo on the web.
but worse.
gonna chase photos out from N now.
Craziliciously yours,

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if u're wondering why i'm going all omg, lemme bring it to you sllloooowwwwlllllyyyy.
3 bombs went off in Jakarta.
3.Tour Station
My dad was in the Ritz-Carlton!!!! hello!!
don't wry, he's safe.
he was upstairs when the bomb went off in the restaurant.
on to less...uhm... 'omigosh' matters.
okay, so it's still omg.
i want pink goody bag!
turns out, it's gonna be loooonnnngggg.
and we're also gonna be doing our blog on that.
recently went to marina barrage.
awesome! will blog more about it with ndp.
but i still can't believe we would be doing something like this for our blog(and i mean that in a not-so-good way.)
Craziliciously yours,



missed me?
i'm gonna take that as a yes;)
we're learning. bark bach. beetovan beethoven.
whatever it is.
9th Symphony.
hard hard hard.
yes, sujata. me no lying.
me cannot reach the notes.
NEXTLY(is there such a thing as nextly?)
we went to sdc today.
yes, the one with the stupid robot that goes:"Hello, I'm Little George!"
here's his info:
13 years old.
Comes from *planet z* oh, my mistake.
planet x.
i noe.it's fedding me up too.
good thing, though. we didn't visit him. SCORE!
sry, 'little george".
We had fun at this rocking "ASEAN" booth where we had to run and get all our stamps chopped. kinda like amazing race, only better.
it's not like anyone actually read the panels put up.
We just rushed to get it chopped, take pictures, and "pledge world peace" by pressing this button.
like, if u went to the exibit, and you pledge world peace, u press the button ONCE. heard that?
original number:0145632
after us barbarian class of 42 came: 1000234
jkjk. i'm overexxagerating .
but, still.
i'll post the pix next time.
Craziliciously yours,


it's after school. iam boooorrreeeddd.
i didn'thv me recess. not feeling hppy.
comp is hanging and lagging.
yet again, art i repeat?
i'm bored.
sry. i know it's getting irratating.
oh yah. wanted to blog about the fact we're gonna learn how to blog in school.
i mean like, *ahem*?
firstly, it's most probably gonna be about some boring, school related topic, like, "how soda cans decompose". oh, yay.
& secondly. miss moh was the one hu told us bout it. double ahem?
she's DEFINATELY gonna make it less-fun-than-it-should-be.
lastly, i bet half the class already knows how to blog.
and she'll reteach it in that boring way of hers(no offence) so that only the teachers pet will ever want to blog again.
and that's not me.
conclusion: if she ever teaches us "how to blog", i mite as well say sayo nara to blogging coz i'll never wanna do so again.
sayo nara.
but with luck, u mite see a post after this one.

Craziliciously yours,


i noe, that was quick. I've grown FED UP OF MY ALERTS ALREADY?
u wanna noe why? huh? uWANNA NOE WHY?
just now I tried to add more widgets to my blog. AND IT POPPED UP!
now, that just doesn't make sense, does it?
so I'm reducing it to only 2 alerts. or there might be none, at the rate things are going.
FED UP, I SAY, fed up!!!!!!!
Craziliciously yours,


I'm guessing you figured out that i figured out how to paste alerts in the HTML code...teehee:)
I know u probably find it annoying...
bare with it.
u can just press and hold enter all the way.
i'm probably gonna do away with it soon though... it's getting on MY nerves.
Oh well, so much for that.
Craziliciously yours,


gosh. i have to learn two lammmeee songs. singapore town and it's the little things. damn, these ppl hu made the song are so....so.....
I'm lost for words. in a bad way.
u're probably thinking: they can't be THAT bad!
but.... you're wrong.
Oh, yes, they can.
this is jusst sooooooooooooooo frustrating.
ok, ok, it's the little things ain't THAT bad.
but, darn, singapore town is just...
pet soceity and restaurant city are under maintenance rite now, so i'm gonna....i'm gonna...
I'm still workin on it, n i dunno about other ppl, but i find the last three to four cha[pters hard.
1stly, u mite be thinking: WHAT A NERD!!
2ndly, u mite thinking: WHAT IN THE WORLD?
so... nvm. I'm trying to paste alerts in my blog template but cannot.
ah yo, will have to try and try and try.
lately went to online shop with mom AND THE CLOTHES CAME! it's a blog-store by me mom's freind, aunty Mui Hoon or something like that. We got a discount.
More likely "I'm ur boss, mui hoon, SO GIVE ME THE DISCOUNT!"
jkjk. it's ex boss, and she didn't have to beg for a discount.
she gave it to us. teeehee.
here's the link. it's pretty worth it, actually:)
UniQ Palace
Crazyliciously yours,


This was written in class.

OMG! i think I'm REALLY gonna die of embarrasment!!!
yes, silly, me no kidding.
oh, and how can I forget the woman hu's currently trying to make it "better".
Mr. Nerd and form teacher don't make good raps. They used sooo much space just to describe Sang Nila and his stupid crown.

and now, guess what? they're ripping off that youtube vid.!! u noe, the "Sang Nila Utama, saw a lion, alamak, named the village singapura then run very far"
oh darn, I just wanna go and evaporate. yah, that's right. ka-poosh.
And so far, our rap is too.... nerdy. like: he met INCLEMENT weather, the waves were EVIDENTLY choppy"
okay, so maaayybbbee, just mayb, I'm exxagerationg.
a little.
Now the raffles part, still ripping off that poor vid. and still using nerd. pffft.
& now she's going," we can throw in Singlish".
Well, at least in rhymes in a really lame way

-Quick break-

At least ppl agree with me. They give miss moh "the look" and she goes ,"What? I'M JUST THROWING IDEAS!!"
*ahem, ahem*
They're STILL Going on about Raffles. DARN! at least we're not doing MM's teaching stuff - Just now, she had lined up 25 WHOLE vocab WS, total 200 Qs.
So NOW you know where INCLEMENT and EVIDENTLY came from.
And now, ONLY NOW, she wants the rest of the class to contribute.
We're already half-way there.
No wonder our rap stinks.

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Click the above link. You know you want to:) AND not just because it says: clickme!
me is in a template changing mood. To something cute from blogskins.
But just incase something goes wrong, well...
the above link happened.
I'll still be blogging on this though - not going to abondon it anytime soon - but check it out, kays? IT TOOK ME QUITE SOME TIME TO RE-ADJUST THE LINKS AND TAGBOARD!! yes, plz appreciate the effort. It won't kill you to do so.

Just to put a smile on your face

Kangaroo Kicks Tourist Into Lake - Watch more Funny Videos

If you're feeling down, watch the following videoXDXD me no kidding, it's hilarious

Welcom Turist funny picture



In yOUr faces! (espeacially urs, eunice:b. jkjk)
s'pore has a holiday! no, not swine flu closure, unfortunately:(
YOUTH DAY!!! school closed for one more day. Good lar, longgg weekend.
but ah yo(Jai ho!), some psychopatic teachers*hint hint* gave us soooo much homework! hello, only one more day of free-ness and they gave us enough homework to start up a giant bonfire and burn through australia's forests!! that'll be 41 forests burned. correction: 42.
New girl in class: Ye Ju. She came from... ah yo, me not so sure. I think Korea or something.
thou knows how blurr moi can get.
BTW, u know how they *oh-so-irratatingly* take our temperature twice a day?? good use might come out of it. Here are some quick truancy tricks that might get you out of school. Okay, joking, joking, these work(i tried them out) but don't use them to escape school or I'll kenna! (when I said I tried them, means I DID but didn't show fake t. to teachers.) Piece of good news, by the way. from nxt monday, don't need to fill up travel form anymore!
How do i know?
teehee:) I just do.
1) If you're stuck in your seat:
don't try this is you sit in first row. This raises your temperature by approx 2 degrees.
it's simple, really. breathe in and out, really quickly, as if you're in the middle of 1.4(yes.) start moving your feet, tapping them and bouncing up and down.
Now u noe why u shouldn't try this in the front row.

2)If you can wash your termometer first.
There should be a hand dryer somewhere. Put it under. But not for too long: It'll get "H". Put it until desirable temprature, then hold the metal part between your fingers, until it beeps. Mine was 42.9!! damn, was it fun.
so don't try out lar, unless for fun. skully u kenna report. if you do, i was, once again, never here...



Remember the WONDERFUL brownies I told you about? (teehee:))
Here's the recipe. follow EXACTLY or else it won't work.
Trust me. I'm not gonna give u the recipe for the cookie/muffins.

. Makes 16 small squares.

· 100 g plain DARK chocolate
· 200g caster sugar
· 2 eggs
· 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
·90 g plain flour
· Pinch of salt
· 125 g unsalted butter
· 150g white chocolate, roughly chopped, but not TOO finelyJ
Preheat oven to 160°C, gas mark 3. Rub a deep 16cm by 20 cm baking dish with butter and line with parchment paper. Melt Butter and chocolate in a lrage bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water. Stir till smooth. remove from the heat and then and add thr sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Stir till combined and add the flour and salt. add the white chocolate, mix gently and pour into prepared pan. Bake for thirty-five to forty minutes untila toothpick comes clean in the center. Cool completely and then cut into squares.These keep for three to four days in an airtight container. Credits: Jennifer Joyce - Lunch Boxes




no, not cookies. nor muffins.
kinda like a mix.
me and me mom went baking in our tiny kitchen, and me is not jk when me says that!! so damn tiny man... cannot even fit one sumo wrestler!!
We baked twice this week so far. Mainly coz very little homework and CCAs were suspended due to swine flu/pig cancer/H1N1.
Does any one want to know why the pigs come sabo us?
no, but you don't, do you? it's kk, I'll tell you anyway.
WE KEEP ON CURSING THE POOR PIGS! first, we make them look stoopid, then we say that the fifth little one wee-wee-wee all the way home, then wilbur the pig had to lose his friend, then... so many stuff happen!! so now it's their payback time lor.
BTW: the s'pore count is 608 or something like that. xiao!
anyway, the batter was at first for cookies.
then suddenly me mom go and pour milk.
Too much milk.
so kenna, then go pour flour.
ah yo(Jai Ho!) too much flour.
So add more milk
so much, so much...
Outcome: Our muffins tasted like cookie.
Our cookie ws too soft.
The last time I baked was with Cheryl. I know there are many Cheryls, so it's CHERYL TEO YONG HUI. if you're a cheryl and suddenly kenna blur, ah yo(Jai Ho!) u soooo blur lor.
Verdict: The cookie batter looked like dog poo:)(chocolate cookies)
The cookies were like mini puff cakes.
Looked like a cookie, but WAS SO DAMN SOFT!!
So 2day we went baking brownies. The brownies turned out quite nice! Chewy, yes, but WE MADE IT OURSELVES AND IT FREAKING TASTED GOOD GOOD GOOD! gonna wanna bring some to school.
You must be thinking: How can I live eating all that sugar and chocolate??
My answer is...
1) I am a glutton. I eat everything.
2)We walked it off. Which moves to my next "story"(ah yo, call it story for what??)

Me brother ah, chao shy one. shy until, shy until... ah yo, the only thing I think of is sumo wrestler, so shy until sumo wrestler don't dare beat him up.
Make sense?
yah, you. it wasn't supposed to.
Me brother had "Scout donation tickets". due tomorrow or something. ah yo, I already told you he chao shy. So i go folow help him sell(little did I knoe, I WAS ALMOST SELLING THEM FOR HIM WHILE HE HID IN THE CORNER!!) ah yo, told you he was shy.
Here's what happened. But firstly, lemme give u quick breifing. Army style.
Stop1) Christopher's and Christiana's house. Bought 1 booklet($10)
Stop2)Cheryl's house(Cheryl Teo Yong Hui) Bought: $6
Stop3)Elyse House:$10
Stop4) zachary's house:$10
Stop5)Cheryl's house (Cheryl Low Rui Min)(told u there r alot of cheryls.): $6
Stop6)Clare and Sharyn's house:$4
Stop7) aNNABELLE'S HOUSE: ... U also forgot lah!!
then the rest was paid by my mom...
BTW, guess who did all the speaking?
Who rang the doorbell?
Who hid when the door open?

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The First of July

~The First~
It's the first of a certain month, and whatever year you're in, the first of a month is the start of a long 30(or less) days.
The rules of this tag are VERY easy - no matter what month you're in, write what previously happened last month, and write what you hope would happen in the comming month.
Kind of like a new year's resoulution. only better.
Write the "resoulution" in a code uniquely yours. Whoever gets tagged will not only have to write their own, they'll have to decode it!! take it easy on them... but don't make it too easy. MAKE THEM WORK ABIT! after which they'll have to send back the decoded message to you. You'll also have to decode their message if they get it right, along with the one of the person b4 u.
So start your "resoulution... NOW!!
Gosh, you stupid person that forced me to do this…: [joking, joking.]
Thankyou, I know this tag VERY easy to decode. This tag was just for fun. I’m not in a torturing mood YET. You watch out!!
Anyways, last month I…. Err… not much lah!! Holidays what! I went to watch Transformers??
This month should be perfect. Not paying attention and laughing the cheese out during social studies, go on gr8 outings, chill out with my friends, and bake brownies. No joking there. I’m breaking my glutton record. Yep, diets aren’t for me.
Thank you, Thankyou, now you’re tagged! Me tags are below!!:)

I tagg...
ah yo(Jai ho!) u read this, u go tag yourself lah.
