In yOUr faces! (espeacially urs, eunice:b. jkjk)
s'pore has a holiday! no, not swine flu closure, unfortunately:(
YOUTH DAY!!! school closed for one more day. Good lar, longgg weekend.
but ah yo(Jai ho!), some psychopatic teachers*hint hint* gave us soooo much homework! hello, only one more day of free-ness and they gave us enough homework to start up a giant bonfire and burn through australia's forests!! that'll be 41 forests burned. correction: 42.
New girl in class: Ye Ju. She came from... ah yo, me not so sure. I think Korea or something.
thou knows how blurr moi can get.
BTW, u know how they *oh-so-irratatingly* take our temperature twice a day?? good use might come out of it. Here are some quick truancy tricks that might get you out of school. Okay, joking, joking, these work(i tried them out) but don't use them to escape school or I'll kenna! (when I said I tried them, means I DID but didn't show fake t. to teachers.) Piece of good news, by the way. from nxt monday, don't need to fill up travel form anymore!
How do i know?
teehee:) I just do.
1) If you're stuck in your seat:
don't try this is you sit in first row. This raises your temperature by approx 2 degrees.
it's simple, really. breathe in and out, really quickly, as if you're in the middle of 1.4(yes.) start moving your feet, tapping them and bouncing up and down.
Now u noe why u shouldn't try this in the front row.
2)If you can wash your termometer first.
There should be a hand dryer somewhere. Put it under. But not for too long: It'll get "H". Put it until desirable temprature, then hold the metal part between your fingers, until it beeps. Mine was 42.9!! damn, was it fun.
so don't try out lar, unless for fun. skully u kenna report. if you do, i was, once again, never here...
s'pore has a holiday! no, not swine flu closure, unfortunately:(
YOUTH DAY!!! school closed for one more day. Good lar, longgg weekend.
but ah yo(Jai ho!), some psychopatic teachers*hint hint* gave us soooo much homework! hello, only one more day of free-ness and they gave us enough homework to start up a giant bonfire and burn through australia's forests!! that'll be 41 forests burned. correction: 42.
New girl in class: Ye Ju. She came from... ah yo, me not so sure. I think Korea or something.
thou knows how blurr moi can get.
BTW, u know how they *oh-so-irratatingly* take our temperature twice a day?? good use might come out of it. Here are some quick truancy tricks that might get you out of school. Okay, joking, joking, these work(i tried them out) but don't use them to escape school or I'll kenna! (when I said I tried them, means I DID but didn't show fake t. to teachers.) Piece of good news, by the way. from nxt monday, don't need to fill up travel form anymore!
How do i know?
teehee:) I just do.
1) If you're stuck in your seat:
don't try this is you sit in first row. This raises your temperature by approx 2 degrees.
it's simple, really. breathe in and out, really quickly, as if you're in the middle of 1.4(yes.) start moving your feet, tapping them and bouncing up and down.
Now u noe why u shouldn't try this in the front row.
2)If you can wash your termometer first.
There should be a hand dryer somewhere. Put it under. But not for too long: It'll get "H". Put it until desirable temprature, then hold the metal part between your fingers, until it beeps. Mine was 42.9!! damn, was it fun.
so don't try out lar, unless for fun. skully u kenna report. if you do, i was, once again, never here...
Labels: truancy techniques:)
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