
we dont really celebrate it here.
coz people get all psyched up about it thinking it's gonna bring ghosts around.
they might as well hire a demon-chaser thingii.
so. yesh.
i didnt celebrate much.
i dont see why people are so worried bout halloween.
we're not inviting ghosts over for a 5 course meal.
tea even. or plain water and a bye-bye.
we arent inviting them over at all.
it's just for FUN.
you know, fun?
like: Trick or Treating is FUN.
dressing up in the costumes and hangin out with friends is FUNner
stealing all the candy while your friend distracts the person who gives the candy is FUNnest!!

LOL. joking.
but if we really DID celebrate it here, watch out, folks.
but that didnt stop me.
oh, no it didnt.
i got some halloween candy, got dressed up in my costume and watched psych.
the 'tuesday the 17th' episode.
actually, it's the bollywood one, even though tuesday the 17th one is more halloween-ish it's overkill lar.
just like my lil bro and his nigahiga.
well, technically, not his, ryan higa has his own rights and stuff, and i hope no lawsuits happen and MOVING ON!!
Here's my oh-sho-aweshomee outfit:
oh-sho-aweshome, right? x)

Here's my lil bro's:

Both of us:

Well, of course, my big bro still had the best costume:(sorry, he didnt want his face taken. not just in this photo. in all photos. well, most lahr.)

so enthusiastic hor!!

dressed up in such a scary outfit!! *sarcarstic eyeroll*

it's like, so typical. these people ar, u bet they wont dress up, u earn fast bucks one.


candy corn. good old candy corn.

i think it's all melted now. (:

we put it in this green bowl. we took a pic of it then left it as deco.

Note to self: Candy Corn= food, not deco.

i guess we could add some milk, shake it a little, add some whipped cream, and get ourselves a HALLOWEEN MILKSHAKE!!

yeah! and serve it to peeps in pubs.

it strikes me: the only people celebrating halloween, as in really celebrating, are people in pubs.

wait. they celebrate for everything. even good friday.

so it's not really counted.


whew. i should stop.


i've got exams coming. darn.

you know, my school decided to torture us.

they're draggin it on like xiao.

ah yo yo yo, have to study.



i'm gonna revise, after 3 minutes slowly doze off, be waken up by someone to realize it's midnight, brush teeth, then sleep again.

Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™

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let's see how many times i use random in this post.

you know, i just feel so random now.
so i'll BE random. like any other random person.
hey, let's have a mini competition.
not official. coz mini competitions are never official.
are they?
like the mini random competition i had with yushan.
on who knew more songs.
english of course.
chinese she surely win.
i only know like 5 chinese songs.
yes, that includes 'twinkle little star' in chinese.
actually not really. like, i only know half the song. or something.
more like one word in eng and one word in chinese, then 5 words in eng and the rest hummed out. x)
and then those cursed 'twinke stars' up there will laugh at me and sing it in like, 56 different languages in my face.
then i'll put them on the disneyland small world ride and then they'll come out singing it's a small world. then we'll see who's laughing. the small world will. actually, whoever composed small world. and the many peeps who translated it.
but really the world's not that small.
it took me SUCH a long time to get from one point of s'pore to the other.
times that by a hundred.
minus one km.
then times that again.and again and again and LOOK HOW BIG THE WORLD IS!!
it's bigger than...uhm...THE ISTANA!! lol. the istana really isnt that big.
wow. now the people on the internet trying to hunt them down in real life know rougly where i live.
wow. that's alot of random info.
i bet you guys arent actually reading this junk.
you guys are probably thinking, "Wow. that's junk i dont need to know. lt me just scroll down to the cbox and write "LOL" just to pretend i was readin"
or they could be like, reading the first word of this post, then scrolling all the way to the bottom and readin the last word.
and that's worse than peeps skipping lines. once more, LOL joanna.
you know how everyone's babbling on, on and ON about something bad happening in 2012?
i found this link on google.
my bro(big one) says it's stupid.
want a laugh?
no one's stoppin you.
alien invasion some more.
wow. you know. i just feel so random bored.
i should probably blog bout the math paper.
it was killer.
coz this is killer, my maths paper,
mr choy set it just so freaking hard
coz this is killer, it's really hard
i wonder how many survived this
killer, killer, killer!!
think of it with michael jackson's "thriller" tune.
only more kristi-ish. x)
how does a kristi sound like?
you'll see. x)
i guess i should stop here.
Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™


oh-so-aweshomee psych ;D

a widget of the oh-so-aweshome series i was talkin about


beat boredom!!

yes, folks, it's that time of year.
no, not christmas, but hey, feel free to get me something. surprise me!
prefably with something shown in my fave series. psych. like the cool mug. or the 34 bucks bobble head.
as I said, surprise me.
this goes out to a very bored someone all the way in the very boring delaware eating nothing but very boring food and reading my boring emails.
wow. i didnt believe boring could be used so many times in a sentence with meaning.
well, this sentence has more borings. and it has a sort of meaning too.
Hey my name is boring boring tom and i'm boring boring boring boring here for your boring boring interview you boring boring posted on the boring boring boring boring newpaper that boring boring caught my eye!!
boring , eh? x) i'm sure that guy didnt get the job.
wow. i just realized that boring is the kind of word that, if used to many times, seems to have no boring meaning, you boring boring get what I boring mean?
okay. i should stop.
well, here's a great list i pulled together on not-so-boring things you can waste your life away with! courtesy of kristi, member of the "i'm only in this club coz i have nothing better to waste my life away with" club. i think you remember. that's what the members do. you can make yourself an instant member too, by giving me lists of stuff to do x)
oh yeaa.
here's the list:
1)watch psych.
2)get kristi the psych bobblehead.
3)get kristi the "the psych-ic is in" mug and t-shirt.
4)get kristi an iPod touch.
5)get kristi the official "psych" iPod touch skin.
6) pay for it with your maxed-out credit card.
7)run away from the police.
8)pretend to be a psychic.
9)try and fool the police into believing you're a real psychic.
10)get jailed for trickery.
LOL. skip 6 onward. but 1 to 5 is pretty damn good, eh? x)
kidding. i think.
if you can tell...
i'm a big fan of psych.
if you cant tell...
whoa. you really ARE that dumb.
you watch it. you wait. you see.
trust me. you'll be hooked on it too!!
there are also games. i recommend you go to the interactive office and click the laptop. there's this 16 uses for yarn and they are HILARIOUS.
for the bored, of course.
and the people who love funny.
Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™



heard of a kindle?
you have?
man, get a grip of your life! i suggest tinkle friend. you know, it's free.
you haven't...
well neither have I.
i watched this ad. online.
there's a problem with the ad.
they would go, "there are over 350 titles to choose from".
you just be thinking - what's wrong?
grammer's fine, and 350 titles are pretty darn impressive.
apparently, they also found it impressive.
so impressive...
it's like, "we've got 350 titles", "u can read one of our many 350 titles whenever you like", "350 titles! cool, right?"
sorry. got carried away.
not literally. i locked the windows. no bald eagle can fly in and swoop me off.
unless it breaks the glass.
no, not for me, i'm quite far away from the window.
i'm just afraid the eagle would somehow sue me for causing the glass shatter.
than bring me to some animal court and OH I REALLY SHOULD STOP NOW!!
sayo nara peeps.
i hope i dont get in a lawsuit.
Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™



ladies and ungentlemen, 先生and女士, Damen and Herren, Messieurs and Mesdames, and Dudes and Dudettes!
call yourself any of the above.
they all mean ladies and gentlemen in different languages.
english, chinese, oh-so-aweshome german, oh-so-Mesdamesly french, and OH-SO-COOL KRISTI LANGUAGE!! lol. got carried away.
don't i always. not
There are some people I hate.
Those people who sabotage my poor blanko right before the exams, *ahem**ahem*.
curse you. I'm gonna go to a voodoo shop and buy one of those dolls you stick with pins.
tell me where i can find the nearest voodoo shop.
i'm gonna blog bout CIP. yes. i know what you're thinking.
i went on monday.
now than only blog.
oh, wait? you were thinking u didnt believe i could tell what you were thinking?
lol. that confused even me.
it was quite...peaceful. is that the right word?
no. peaceful comes from peace, which is a word most commonly used in funerals.
using the word here would be like cursing them to die.
or cursing their parents to die.
maybe their parents are alr dead.
i feel sorry for them, tons. tons of them wore hearing aids.
poor, poor things.
not literally. they must be okay-ish. or maybe their neck-deep in financial crisis.
oh, man, i'm rambling now.
i did the cafe tables. it was wet;D
well, only i got wet. everyone else went, "OH! look at that small drop of water on my skirt! i hope it dries!"
i felt so, -.-
like, C'MON! duh it's gonna dry immediately, espeacially in that weather.
my skirt was so friggin wet. but it was okay.
it dried within the next two hours. ish.
Lemme tell you bout the places...
Cafe - Wet.
Garden - Muddy. espeacially since it rained.
Hall - Got insect.
Playground - OFFICIAL FUNNEST! dont say we couldnt see you peeps playing while you "mopped up". lol.
onward. charge.
Oh yeaa. i felt bored during class, so made this:
When you loose something, it's coz you're plain forgetful
When you start crying, You're just pathetic.
When you ask everyone around you, You're awfully desperate.
When you actually find it, wow, you're plain lucky.
And when you loose the same thing all over again, IT'S MORE THAN JUST DEJA VU.
lol. yeaa. x)
revive my cbox.
and until next time..
don't please miss me! x)
Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™



hey hey hey!
i know you guys missed me!
Don't pretend! lol.
if you're bored right now...
join the club.
i just made one up.
It's called the, "I'm only in this club coz I have nothing better to waste my life away with" club.
Like the name?
Yeaa, i thought you would.
So what do people in the "I'm only in this club coz I have nothing better to waste my life away with" club do?
oh. we do something exciting
shows like...Singapore idol.
ah yah.
those judges ah.
it's like, first judge - i think that outfit is too old for you. pick something lighter.
and than the second judge goes, "I disagree." i'm thinking, wow, finally she'll talk bout the singing. and then she goes, "I think it matches u perfectly." WHAT??
then the last judge, looking serious says, " What u wear is important in this competition. You understand?"
okay so maybe i'm exxagerating... but only a bit. a bit only.
Then i rented sunday school musical.
it looked exactly like high school musical, only in green(green is the universal color for spoofs. i firgured that out)
thus...I was getting geared up for a spoof.
guess what?
in stead of a spoof, i got a preaching. A PREACHING!
i wonder how many other disapointed people there are
so, news flash - it's not a spoof. it's not funny.
it's religious. it's holy. the gansters wear rosaries.
not like there's anything wrong with that...
but. come. on.
and for teenagers, those kids are WAY too holy and religious.
sorry, i should stop it now.
ah yes. nothing like a little sticky tape.
moving on.
i've got nothing.
so until next time...
miss me!
you know you will!
Craziliciously yours,
- ķřîşŧĩ◦ŀïм◦ϙîῆḡḻḭ ❤™